
Most active pages
March 2023

10121.1 k1.1 k1.4 kRosine Sori-Coulibaly
889389381.1 kJoséphine Ouédraogo
3152.8 k2.9 k20 kChan Chan
2183.1 k3 k3.4 kSalimata Sawadogo
2113.4 k5.7 k7.8 kEverglades National Park
14-15 k18 k12 kVirunga National Park
1111.6 k1.6 k1.7 kHadja Fatimata Ouattara
224343475Lake Tengrela
23-4067149.5 kKrak des Chevaliers
1108293.5 k11 kPotosi
1101 k10041.3 kJuliette Bonkoungou
179089081.5 kCéline Yoda
149779771.5 kBibata Ganemtore Nabaloum
13884884884Jacqueline Marie Zaba Nikiema
13877877877Ruins of Loropéni
14911911911W National Park
157321 k3.9 kFortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo
235062992Madinatou Rouamba
126716713.7 kSelous Agodzi Korabea
13452452452Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso
125505507 kKasubi Tombs
12539539539Nazinga Reserve
13393413393W-Arly-Pendjari Complex
1241749714 kMount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve
161775992.2 kCoro and its Port
22-801665.8 kMinaret of Jam
13270270270Bangr Weoogo Park
141953633.6 kRainforests of the Atsinanana
14205205692Bernadette Sanou Dao
13-24324511 kKahuzi-Biéga National Park
15123123276Marlène Zebango
116166162.8 kBattir
1151251214 kLeptis Magna
12-94942.6 kOld Towns of Djenné
128181447Koumbou Boly Barry
1325752.8 kAïr and Ténéré National Nature Reserve
13283034 kGaramba National Park
114054055.5 kAbu Mena
113973971.7 kAncient City of Damascus
1222225.1 kZabid
1138638624 kAcacus Mountains
113753756.2 kAncient City of Aleppo
112312317.4 kOkapi Wildlife Reserve
122625002.7 kTropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra
11-1701706.5 kHatra
11-16816839 kTimbuktu
11-97972.9 kLake Turkana National Parks
12-14131511 kOld Sana'a
1145452.6 kTomb of Askia
113030917Célestine Ouezzin Coulibaly
11242433 kWalls of Jerusalem
1119192 kBurkina Faso
11-18181.1 kOld City of Hebron
11-1515188Olivia Rouamba
1135535522 kDead Cities
110019 kManovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park
11-2692693.3 kPalmyra
11-1641645.2 kRío Plátano Bisophere Korabea
11-1361367.5 kNan Madol
Graphique des modifications March 2023
Graphique des utilisateurs March 2023
Graphique des espaces de noms March 2023